Diaz, R. M., and S. K. M. Ernest. 2022. Maintenance of community function through compensation breaks down over time in a desert rodent community. Ecology 103:e3709.
Diaz, R. M., H. Ye, and S. K. M. Ernest. 2021. Empirical abundance distributions are more uneven than expected given their statistical baseline. Ecology Letters 24:2025–2039.
Yenni, G. M., E. M. Christensen, E. K. Bledsoe, S. R. Supp, R. M. Diaz, E. P. White, and S. K. M. Ernest. 2019. Developing a modern data workflow for regularly updated data. PLOS Biology 17:e3000125.
Christensen, E. M., G. M. Yenni, H. Ye, J. L. Simonis, E. K. Bledsoe, R. M. Diaz, S. D. Taylor, E. P. White, and S. K. M. Ernest. 2019. Portalr: An R package for summarizing and using the Portal Project Data. Journal of Open Source Software 4:1098.
In press
Diaz, R. M., and S. K. M. Ernest. In review. Temporal changes in the individual size distribution decouple long-term trends in abundance, biomass, and energy use of North American breeding bird communities. In press, Global Ecology and Biogeography.